We live in a digital world where every online interaction represents a potential gateway to devastating threats. Data protection is no longer just an individual concern, but a matter of national urgency for businesses, governments and communities.
Every click on the web can open the door to sophisticated and devastating attacks, threatening the integrity of our sensitive data and the stability of our institutions.
What is the Data Privacy Day?
Instaurée pour la première fois en 2007 par le Conseil de l'Europe, chaque année, le 28 janvier, le monde célèbre la “Journée Mondiale de la Protection des Données” ou la “Data Privacy Day” pour sensibiliser les individus et les entreprises à l'importance cruciale de la sécurité des données en ligne. Une occasion de réfléchir aux enjeux actuels liés à la confidentialité des informations personnelles.
La Journée Mondiale de la Protection des Données vise à éduquer et à conscientiser sur les risques liés à l'utilisation des données. Son objectif est de promouvoir la confidentialité en ligne, de sensibiliser aux bonnes pratiques et d'encourager la mise en place de mesures de sécurité robustes. En cette journée, il est essentiel de comprendre les risques et les dangers auxquels sont exposées nos données.
What is the reality of digital threats?
Les cyberattaques sont devenues une réalité quotidienne, affectant des individus, des entreprises et même des gouvernements.
Les menaces numériques sont variées et en constante évolution. Parmi les plus courantes, citons les attaques de phishing, les logiciels malveillants, les ransomwares, les attaques par déni de service (DDoS), et bien d'autres. Chacune de ces menaces vise à exploiter les failles de sécurité pour accéder, altérer ou voler des données sensibles.
En 2022, l'Europe a été la deuxième région la plus ciblée au niveau mondial, avec 28 % des attaques se concentrant dans cette zone, en hausse par rapport à 24 % en 2021. Parmi les pays visés figuraient la France, le Royaume-Uni, le Portugal, l'Italie et l'Allemagne.
The Expansion of Phishing Attacks
Phishing remains one of the most widely used attack techniques. Cybercriminals create fraudulent e-mails, messages or websites to trick users into divulging personal information. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the number of phishing attacks has risen significantly in recent years, reaching alarming levels.
Ransomware: A Growing Threat
Ransomware is a malicious program designed to encrypt files on a computer system and demand payment of a ransom in exchange for the decryption key needed to restore access to the data. These types of cyberattacks have emerged as one of the most formidable and costly threats in the cybersecurity field.
Companies of all sizes have been affected, highlighting the need for proactive protection.
With cyber-attacks occurring every 17 seconds and 99.9% of businesses at risk, it's time to take proactive steps to keep your data safe.
UBI Cyber Security stands as the answer to these problems, offering uninterrupted protection against all forms of cyber-attack.
What can I do to protect my computer network from cyber attacks?
UBI Smart, a specialist in Cyber Security and the digitization of Police and Public Transport operations, offers a robust solution to counter these threats: UBI Cyber Security.
UBI Cyber Security: The Answer to the Growing Threat
UBI Cyber Security is a simple, intuitive solution for securing your computer network. The solution, consisting of a Plug & Play probe, connects instantly to your network. Complementing your firewall, it blocks all suspicious incoming and outgoing traffic, thanks to a 24/7 filtering and monitoring system.
In the event of a problem, e-mail alerts inform you instantly, enabling you to react quickly and effectively.
UBI Cyber Security: Real-time control
UBI Cyber Security offers a customized Dashboard that lets you monitor activity on your computer network in real time. You can access the history of threats detected day after day, as well as data emitted by devices connected to your network. This gives you a precise view of the origin and provenance of attacks.
UBI Cyber Security enables you to :
- Eliminate all threats to your IT network.
- List 100% of alerts.
- Control 100% of your devices.
UBI Cyber Security: Ecological Commitment
As part of the ecological transition of companies, UBI Cyber Security also evaluates the energy impact of the IT network. This feature makes you aware of potential energy savings, thus contributing to more sustainable practices.
UBI Cyber Security: Uninterrupted Security
UBI Cyber Security guarantees uninterrupted security with continuous analysis and filtering 24/7. It also optimizes performance by remedying vulnerabilities that might otherwise escape the attention of IT teams.
✅Quick and easy probe installation.
✅ No reduction in connection speed during installation.
✅ Intuitive, ergonomic web platform.
✅Affordable for all companies.
UBI Cyber Security is an indispensable solution for ensuring your company's long-term survival. On this Data Protection Day, choose a complete and proactive protection with UBI Cyber Security, your essential ally against digital threats.